Foam MAchine Hire

We have been in the foam machine hire business since it all started in the UK 20 odd years ago. Having been in the industry for such a long time that we have seen various manufacturers appear and foam machines come and go off the market. We have a huge range of foam machines to hire which means our foam parties are tailor made, getting the right amount of foam, to the right people meaning everyone leaves the venue happy and feeling they have got value for money.

The following is the mainstay of our machine collection!

The Junior Cannon
The smallest foam machine in our range. This is for very small venue where not much foam is required or promoters/club owners wish to keep any clean up to a minimum. This is a cannon type machine where our operator will “fire” foam onto party goers usually from a stage or podium.

The King Cannon
This is our big cannon and we have several of these machines. They are extremely versatile and make loads of foam and ensure a really good foam party. Foam is fired from one or more cannons onto the crowd, just because this is a foam cannon as opposed to a foam generator do not underestimate the amount of foam that can be generated! We can literally fill any small to medium size nightclub with just one of these massive cannons and using two or more we can cater for the biggest nightclubs in the UK. Due to the nature of this machine we can regulate the flow on these cannons and also the direction meaning we can get the foam to those that need it! And keep it away from those who don’t! This machine is very versatile and ideal for clubs with lower ceilings as well as festival or outdoor parties.

The Junior Generator
This is a “hanging” type foam machine. We will install this machine into your club – usually on a lighting rig or from the roof. This type of machine creates a waterfall type foam effect. Don’t be fooled by this machines name, it is capable of creating a lot of foam and filling dance floors. Our operators can regulate the flow and will liaise with owners and promoters to get the perfect amount of foam.

The Giant Generator

This machine can either be hung from the ceiling or from an elevated standing position. The giant foam generator is not for the faint hearted we believe this is Europes largest foam machine and can literally fill nightclubs – if you want lots of foam this is the machine for you! We can facilitate the largest nightclubs/superclubs with the giant generator and even outdoor festival environments.

With a combination of machines we can get the right foam party for you, perfectly tailored to YOUR venue.

If you are looking for foam for a photoshoot, television program, art installation or anything else you can think of please call us to discuss we will have the right solution for you!

What are you waiting for?

phone us today - 07771 737138